7:30: We meet for Breakfast in the dining hall. It's very cute and the food is great!
Those are models of honeypot ants! They eat a lot of nectar then hang around in the nest (literally!) and feed the other ants.
8:30: We meet in the lab to go over our plan.
Out into the field!
We collect the caterpillars by holding these "beat sheets" under the plant and whack the branch. The caterpillars fall on to the sheet and we put them in a cup and label them. They go back to the lab.
12:30: Back for lunch. Some days we brought bagged lunch.
Then back to the lab to enter all the caterpillars into a spreadsheet. They each get a number. Then we photograph them. Would be easy if they would just stand still :)
Supper at six. In the evening there are presentations by the scientists about ecology topics such as caterpillars and their role in the food webs. So many other organisms depend on them for food!
I gave a presentation on ecology to students outdoors in the schoolyard.
Bed around ten! We sleep in dorm like cabins like Nature's Classroom :)